Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 00:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:02:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 00:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:07:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 00:12:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:12:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 00:17:01 Order JC11930211 created (Order ID 47239) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:17:17 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 00:22:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:22:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 00:27:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:27:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 00:32:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:32:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 00:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:37:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 00:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:42:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 00:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:47:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 00:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:52:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 00:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:57:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 01:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:02:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 01:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:07:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 01:12:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:12:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 01:17:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:17:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 01:22:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:22:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 01:27:01 Order JC11931071 created (Order ID 47240) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:27:15 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 01:32:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:32:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 01:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:37:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 01:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:42:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 01:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:47:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 01:52:01 Order JC11931101 created (Order ID 47241) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:52:16 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 01:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:57:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 02:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:02:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 02:07:01 Order JC11931131 created (Order ID 47242) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:07:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 02:12:01 Order JC11930241 created (Order ID 47243) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:12:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 02:17:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:17:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 02:22:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:22:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 02:27:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:27:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 02:32:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:32:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 02:37:02 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:37:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 02:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:42:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 02:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:47:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 02:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:52:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 02:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:57:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 03:02:01 Order JC11931161 created (Order ID 47244) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:02:14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 03:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:07:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 03:12:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:12:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 03:17:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:17:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 03:22:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:22:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 03:27:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:27:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 03:32:01 Order JC11931181 created (Order ID 47245) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:32:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 03:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:37:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 03:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:42:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 03:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:47:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 03:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:52:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 03:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:57:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 00:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 00:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_000001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 00:01:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:01:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 04:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:02:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 00:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:05:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 04:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:07:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 00:10:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 00:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 00:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 04:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 00:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:12:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 00:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 00:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 00:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 00:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 00:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 04:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 00:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:17:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 00:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 00:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 00:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 00:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 00:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 00:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:21:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 04:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 00:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:22:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 00:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 00:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 00:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 00:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 00:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:26:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 04:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 00:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:27:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 00:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 00:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 00:30:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 00:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 00:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 00:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 04:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 00:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:32:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 00:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 00:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 00:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 00:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 00:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 04:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:37:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 00:40:01 Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 00:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 00:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 00:41:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 00:42:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 04:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:42:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 00:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:43:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 00:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 00:45:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 00:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 04:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:47:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 00:50:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 00:50:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 04:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:52:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 00:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 00:55:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 04:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:57:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 01:00:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 01:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 01:01:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:01:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 05:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:02:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 01:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:05:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 05:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:07:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 01:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 01:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 01:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 05:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 01:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:12:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:12:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 01:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 01:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:14:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 01:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 01:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 01:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 01:17:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 05:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:17:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 01:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 01:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 01:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 01:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 01:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:20:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:20:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 01:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 05:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 01:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:22:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 01:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 01:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 01:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 01:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 01:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:26:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 01:27:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 05:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:27:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 01:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 01:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 01:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 01:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 01:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:30:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 01:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 05:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 01:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:32:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:32:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 01:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 01:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 01:35:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 01:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 01:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 05:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:37:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 01:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 01:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 01:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 01:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 05:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 01:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:42:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 01:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 01:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:44:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 01:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 01:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 05:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:47:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 01:50:02 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 01:50:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 05:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:52:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 01:55:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 01:55:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 05:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:57:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 02:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 02:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 02:01:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:01:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 06:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:02:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 02:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:05:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 06:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:07:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 02:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 02:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 02:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:10:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:10:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 06:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 02:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:12:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 02:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 02:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 02:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 02:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 02:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 06:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 02:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:17:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 02:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 02:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:19:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 02:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 02:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 02:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:20:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:20:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 02:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 06:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 02:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:22:11 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 02:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:23:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 02:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 02:25:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 02:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 02:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 06:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 02:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:27:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 02:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 02:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 02:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 02:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 02:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:30:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 02:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 06:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 02:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:32:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 02:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 02:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 02:35:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 02:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 02:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 06:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:37:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 02:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 02:40:02 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 02:40:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 02:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 06:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 02:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:42:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 02:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 02:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:44:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 02:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 02:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 06:47:01 Order JC11931241 created (Order ID 47246) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:47:11 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 02:50:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 02:50:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_025001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 06:52:01 Order JC11931251 created (Order ID 47247) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:52:21 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 02:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 02:55:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 06:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:57:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 03:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 03:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_030001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 03:01:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:01:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 07:02:02 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:02:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 03:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:05:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 07:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:07:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 03:10:02 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 03:10:02 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 03:10:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_031002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 07:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 03:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:12:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 03:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:13:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 03:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 03:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 03:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 03:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 07:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 03:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:17:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 03:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 03:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 03:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 03:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 03:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:20:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_032001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 03:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 07:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 03:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:22:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 03:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 03:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:24:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 03:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 03:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:25:01 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 03:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 03:27:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 07:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:27:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 03:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 03:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 03:30:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 03:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 03:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 03:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 07:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 03:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:32:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:32:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 03:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 03:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 03:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 03:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 03:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 07:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:37:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 03:40:01 Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 03:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 03:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 03:41:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 03:42:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 07:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:42:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 03:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 03:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 03:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 03:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:45:01 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 07:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:47:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 03:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 03:50:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 07:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:52:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 03:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 03:55:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 07:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:57:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 04:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 04:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 04:01:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:01:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 08:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:02:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 04:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:05:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 08:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:07:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 04:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 04:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 04:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:10:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 04:12:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 08:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:12:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 04:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 04:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 04:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 04:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 04:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 04:17:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 08:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:17:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 04:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 04:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 04:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 04:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 04:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 04:21:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:21:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 08:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 04:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:22:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 04:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 04:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 04:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 04:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 04:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 08:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 04:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:27:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:27:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 04:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 04:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 04:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 04:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 04:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:30:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:30:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 04:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 08:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 04:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:32:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 04:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 04:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 04:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 04:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 04:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 08:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:37:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 04:40:01 Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 04:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 04:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 04:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 08:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 04:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:42:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 04:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:43:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 04:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 04:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 04:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 08:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:47:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 04:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 04:50:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 08:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:52:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 04:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 04:55:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 08:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:57:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 05:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 05:00:01 File order-status_09_08_24_050001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:00:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_050001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:00:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 05:01:01 File catalog-products-delta_09_08_24_050101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:01:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 09:02:01 Order JC11930051 created (Order ID 47248) Order JC11931121 created (Order ID 47249) Order JC11930111 created (Order ID 47250) Order JC11930821 created (Order ID 47251) Order JC11930941 created (Order ID 47252) Order JC11930201 created (Order ID 47253) Order JC11931041 created (Order ID 47254) Order JC11931231 created (Order ID 47255) Order JC11930081 created (Order ID 47256) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:03:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 05:05:01 File order-status_09_08_24_050501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:05:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 09:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:07:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 05:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 05:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 05:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_051001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_051001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:10:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 09:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 05:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11931311 created (Order ID 47257) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:12:16 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 05:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 05:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 05:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 05:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_051501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:15:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 05:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 09:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 05:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11930741 created (Order ID 47258) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:17:11 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 09:17:18 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:17:24 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 05:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 05:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:19:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 05:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 05:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 05:20:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_052001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_052001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:20:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 05:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 09:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 05:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11930351 created (Order ID 47259) Order JC11930341 created (Order ID 47260) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:22:22 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 05:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 05:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:24:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 05:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 05:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_052501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:25:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 05:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 05:27:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 09:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:27:03 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11930361 created (Order ID 47261) Order JC11930291 created (Order ID 47262) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:27:16 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 05:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 05:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 05:30:02 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 05:30:02 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 05:30:02 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_053002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_053002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:30:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 05:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:31:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 09:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 05:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11930041 created (Order ID 47263) Order JC11930061 created (Order ID 47264) Order JC11930371 created (Order ID 47265) Order JC11931021 created (Order ID 47266) Order JC11931301 created (Order ID 47267) Order JC11930911 created (Order ID 47268) Order JC11930031 created (Order ID 47269) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:32:56 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 05:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 05:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 05:35:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 05:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_053501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:35:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 05:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 09:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:37:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 05:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 05:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 05:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_054001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_054001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:40:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 05:41:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 05:42:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 09:42:01 Order JC11931061 created (Order ID 47270) Order JC11930981 created (Order ID 47271) Order JC11930191 created (Order ID 47272) Order JC11930921 created (Order ID 47273) Order JC11930091 created (Order ID 47274) Order JC11931141 created (Order ID 47275) Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 05:43:02 Order JC11930841 created (Order ID 47276) No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:43:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:43:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 05:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:44:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 05:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 05:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_054501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:45:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 09:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:47:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 05:50:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 05:50:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_055001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_055001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:50:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 09:52:01 Order JC11930101 created (Order ID 47277) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:52:15 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 05:55:01 File order-status_09_08_24_055501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 05:55:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 09:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:57:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 06:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 06:00:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_060001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_060001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:00:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 06:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 10:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:02:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 06:05:01 File order-status_09_08_24_060501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:05:10 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 10:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:07:07 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_09_08_24_060101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:07:11 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 06:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 06:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 06:10:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_061001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_061001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_061001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:10:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 06:12:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 10:12:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_061201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:12:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 06:13:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_061301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:13:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 06:14:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_061401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:14:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 06:15:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 06:15:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_061501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_061501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:15:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 06:16:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_061601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 10:17:02 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 06:17:02 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_061702.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:17:03 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11930401 created (Order ID 47278) Order JC11930391 created (Order ID 47279) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:17:20 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 06:18:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_061801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:18:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 06:19:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_061901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:19:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 06:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 06:20:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 06:20:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_062001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_062001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_062001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:20:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 06:21:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_062101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 06:22:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 10:22:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_062201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:22:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 06:23:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_062301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:23:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 06:24:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_062401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 06:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 06:25:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_062501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_062501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:25:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 06:26:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_062601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:26:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 10:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 06:27:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_062701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:27:03 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11931321 created (Order ID 47280) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:27:16 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 06:28:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_062801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 06:29:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_062901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:29:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 06:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 06:30:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 06:30:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_063001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_063001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_063001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:30:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 06:31:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_063101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 10:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 06:32:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_063201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:32:04 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:32:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 06:33:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_063301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:33:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 06:34:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_063401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 06:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 06:35:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_063501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_063501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 06:36:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_063601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:36:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 10:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:37:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 06:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 06:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 06:40:01 File catalog-categories-delta_09_08_24_064001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_064001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_064001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:40:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 06:41:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 06:42:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 10:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:42:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 06:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 06:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:44:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 06:45:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 06:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_064501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:45:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 10:47:01 Order JC11931331 created (Order ID 47281) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:47:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 06:50:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 06:50:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_065001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_065001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:50:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 10:52:01 Order JC11930381 created (Order ID 47282) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:52:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 06:55:01 File order-status_09_08_24_065501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 06:55:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 10:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:57:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 07:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 07:00:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_070001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_070001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 07:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 11:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:02:08 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_09_08_24_070101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:04:18 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 07:05:01 File order-status_09_08_24_070501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:05:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 11:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:07:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 07:10:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 07:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 07:10:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_071001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_071001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_071001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:10:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 07:12:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 11:12:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_071201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:12:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 07:13:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_071301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:13:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 07:14:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_071401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 07:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 07:15:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_071501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_071501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:15:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 07:16:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_071601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:16:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 11:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 07:17:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_071701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:17:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 07:18:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_071801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 07:19:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_071901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:19:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 07:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 07:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 07:20:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_072001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_072001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_072001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:20:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 07:21:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_072101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 11:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 07:22:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_072201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:22:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:22:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 07:23:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_072301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 07:24:02 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_072402.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:24:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 07:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 07:25:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_072501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_072501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:25:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 07:26:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_072601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 07:27:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 11:27:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_072701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11931341 created (Order ID 47283) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:27:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 07:28:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_072801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:28:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 07:29:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_072901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 07:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 07:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 07:30:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_073001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_073001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_073001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:30:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 07:31:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_073101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 11:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 07:32:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_073201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:32:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:32:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 07:33:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_073301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 07:34:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_073401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:34:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 07:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 07:35:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_073501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_073501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:35:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 07:36:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_073601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:36:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 11:37:01 Order JC11930411 created (Order ID 47284) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:37:18 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 07:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 07:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 07:40:01 File catalog-categories-delta_09_08_24_074001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_074001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_074001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 07:41:01 File catalog-categories-delete_09_08_24_074101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:41:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 07:42:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 11:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:42:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 07:43:01 File catalog-price-delete_09_08_24_074301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 07:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 07:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 07:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_074501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:45:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 11:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:47:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 07:50:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 07:50:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_075001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:50:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_075001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:50:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 11:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:52:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 07:55:01 File order-status_09_08_24_075501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 07:55:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 11:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:57:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 08:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 08:00:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_080001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_080001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:00:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 08:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 12:02:01 Order JC11930421 created (Order ID 47285) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:02:18 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 08:05:01 File order-status_09_08_24_080501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:05:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_09_08_24_080101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:06:36 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 12:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:07:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 08:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 08:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 08:10:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_081001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_081001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_081001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 12:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 08:12:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_081201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:12:03 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11930431 created (Order ID 47286) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:12:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 08:13:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_081301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 08:14:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_081401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 08:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 08:15:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_081501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_081501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:15:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 08:16:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_081601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 12:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 08:17:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_081701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:17:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 08:18:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_081801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:18:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 08:19:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_081901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:19:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 08:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 08:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 08:20:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_082001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_082001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_082001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 08:21:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_082101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:21:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 12:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 08:22:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_082201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:22:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 08:23:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_082301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:23:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 08:24:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_082401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:24:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 08:25:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 08:25:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_082501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_082501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 08:26:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_082601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:26:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 12:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 08:27:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_082701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:27:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 08:28:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_082801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 08:29:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_082901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 08:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 08:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 08:30:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_083001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_083001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_083001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:30:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 08:31:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_083101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 08:32:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 12:32:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_083201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:32:03 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11930441 created (Order ID 47287) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:32:14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 08:33:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_083301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 08:34:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_083401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 08:35:02 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 08:35:02 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_083502.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:35:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_083502.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:35:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 08:36:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_083601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:36:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 12:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:37:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 08:40:01 Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 08:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 08:40:01 File catalog-categories-delta_09_08_24_084001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_084001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_084001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 08:41:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 08:42:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 12:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:42:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 08:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 08:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:44:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 08:45:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 08:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:45:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_084501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:45:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 12:47:02 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:47:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 08:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 08:50:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_085001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_085001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:50:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 12:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:52:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 08:55:01 File order-status_09_08_24_085501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 08:55:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 12:57:01 Order JC11930451 created (Order ID 47288) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:57:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 09:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 09:00:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_090001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:00:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_090001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:00:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 09:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 13:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:02:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 09:05:01 File order-status_09_08_24_090501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:05:10 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_09_08_24_090101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:05:45 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 13:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:07:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 09:10:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 09:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 09:10:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_091001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_091001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_091001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:10:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 09:12:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 13:12:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_091201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:12:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:12:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 09:13:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_091301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 09:14:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_091401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 09:15:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 09:15:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_091501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_091501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:15:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 09:16:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_091601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 13:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 09:17:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_091701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:17:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:17:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 09:18:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_091801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:18:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 09:19:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_091901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 09:20:02 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 09:20:02 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 09:20:02 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_092002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_092002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:20:05 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_092002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:20:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 09:21:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_092101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 13:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 09:22:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_092201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:22:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 09:23:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_092301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 09:24:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_092401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:24:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 09:25:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 09:25:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_092501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_092501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:25:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 09:26:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_092601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 13:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 09:27:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_092701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11930461 created (Order ID 47289) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:27:18 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 09:28:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_092801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:28:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 09:29:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_092901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 09:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 09:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 09:30:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_093001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_093001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_093001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:30:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 09:31:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_093101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 13:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 09:32:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_093201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:32:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:32:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 09:33:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_093301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:33:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 09:34:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_093401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 09:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 09:35:01 File order-status_09_08_24_093501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_093501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:35:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 09:36:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_093601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:36:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 13:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:37:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 09:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 09:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 09:40:01 File catalog-categories-delta_09_08_24_094001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_094001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_094001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 09:41:02 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 13:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 09:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:42:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 09:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:43:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 09:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 09:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 09:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_094501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:45:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 13:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:47:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 09:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 09:50:01 File order-status_09_08_24_095001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_095001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 13:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:52:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 09:55:01 File order-status_09_08_24_095501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 09:55:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 13:57:01 Order JC11931351 created (Order ID 47290) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:57:16 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 10:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 10:00:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_100001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_100001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:00:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 10:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 14:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:02:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 10:05:01 File order-status_09_08_24_100501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:05:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 14:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:07:07 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_09_08_24_100101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:07:34 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 10:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 10:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 10:10:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_101001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_101001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_101001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:10:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 10:12:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 14:12:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_101201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:12:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 10:13:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_101301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:13:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 10:14:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_101401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 10:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 10:15:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_101501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_101501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:15:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 10:16:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_101601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 14:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 10:17:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_101701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:17:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:17:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 10:18:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_101801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 10:19:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_101901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:19:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 10:20:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 10:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 10:20:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_102001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:20:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_102001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_102001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:20:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 10:21:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_102101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 14:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 10:22:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_102201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:22:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:22:10 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 10:23:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_102301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 10:24:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_102401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 10:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 10:25:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_102501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:25:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_102501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:25:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 10:26:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_102601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 10:27:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 14:27:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_102701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:27:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:27:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 10:28:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_102801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 10:29:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_102901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 10:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 10:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 10:30:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_103001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_103001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_103001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:30:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 10:31:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_103101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:31:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 14:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 10:32:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_103201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:32:03 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11931361 created (Order ID 47291) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:32:14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 10:33:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_103301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 10:34:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_103401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 10:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 10:35:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_103501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_103501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:35:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 10:36:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_103601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:36:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 14:37:01 Order JC11931371 created (Order ID 47292) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:37:18 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 10:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 10:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 10:40:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_104001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-categories-delta_09_08_24_104001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_104001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:40:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 10:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 14:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 10:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:42:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 10:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:43:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 10:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 10:45:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 10:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_104501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:45:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 14:47:01 Order JC11931381 created (Order ID 47293) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:47:18 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 10:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 10:50:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_105001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_105001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:50:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 14:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:52:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 10:55:01 File order-status_09_08_24_105501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 10:55:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 14:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:57:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 11:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 11:00:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_110001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_110001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:00:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 11:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 15:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:02:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 11:05:01 File order-status_09_08_24_110501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:05:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 15:07:01 Order JC11931391 created (Order ID 47294) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:07:19 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 11:10:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 11:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 11:10:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_111001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:10:05 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_111001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:10:06 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_111001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:10:06 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_09_08_24_110101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:10:10 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 15:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 11:12:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_111201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:12:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 11:13:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_111301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:13:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 11:14:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_111401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 11:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 11:15:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_111501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 11:16:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_111601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:16:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 15:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 11:17:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_111701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:17:03 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11931401 created (Order ID 47295) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:17:17 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 11:18:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_111801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 11:19:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_111901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 11:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 11:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 11:20:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_112001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_112001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_112001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:20:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 11:21:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_112101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:21:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 15:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 11:22:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_112201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:22:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 11:23:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_112301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:23:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 11:24:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_112401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 11:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 11:25:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_112501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_112501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:25:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 11:26:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_112601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 15:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 11:27:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_112701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:27:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 11:28:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_112801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:28:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 11:29:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_112901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 11:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 11:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 11:30:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_113001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_113001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_113001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:30:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 11:31:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_113101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:31:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 11:32:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 15:32:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_113201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11930471 created (Order ID 47296) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:32:21 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 11:33:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_113301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 11:34:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_113401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:34:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 11:35:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 11:35:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_113501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_113501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:35:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 11:36:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_113601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 15:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:37:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 11:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 11:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 11:40:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_114001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-categories-delta_09_08_24_114001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_114001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:40:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 11:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 15:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 11:42:01 Order JC11931411 created (Order ID 47297) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:42:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 11:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 11:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:44:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 11:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 11:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_114501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:45:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 15:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:47:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 11:50:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 11:50:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_115001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:50:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_115001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:50:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 15:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:52:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 11:55:01 File order-status_09_08_24_115501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 11:55:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 15:57:01 Order JC11930481 created (Order ID 47298) Order JC11930491 created (Order ID 47299) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:57:22 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 12:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 12:00:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_120001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_120001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 12:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 16:02:01 Order JC11930501 created (Order ID 47300) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:02:17 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 12:05:01 File order-status_09_08_24_120501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:05:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 16:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:07:07 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_09_08_24_120101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:09:30 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 12:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 12:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 12:10:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_121001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_121001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_121001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:10:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 12:12:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 16:12:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_121201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11931431 created (Order ID 47301) Order JC11931521 created (Order ID 47302) Order JC11931421 created (Order ID 47303) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:12:27 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 12:13:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_121301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 12:14:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_121401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 12:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 12:15:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_121501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:15:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_121501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:15:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 12:16:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_121601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:16:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 16:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 12:17:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_121701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11931531 created (Order ID 47304) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:17:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 12:18:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_121801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:18:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 12:19:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_121901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 12:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 12:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 12:20:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_122001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_122001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:20:05 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_122001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:20:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 12:21:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_122101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 16:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 12:22:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_122201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:22:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 12:23:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_122301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 12:24:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_122401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 12:25:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 12:25:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_122501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_122501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:25:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 12:26:02 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_122602.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:26:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 16:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 12:27:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_122701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:27:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:27:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 12:28:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_122801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 12:29:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_122901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:29:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 12:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 12:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 12:30:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_123001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:30:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_123001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_123001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:30:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 12:31:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_123101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 16:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 12:32:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_123201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:32:03 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11931551 created (Order ID 47305) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:32:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 12:33:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_123301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 12:34:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_123401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:34:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 12:35:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 12:35:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_123501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_123501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:35:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 12:36:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_123601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 16:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:37:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 12:40:01 Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 12:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 12:40:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_124001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-categories-delta_09_08_24_124001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_124001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 12:41:02 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 16:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 12:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:42:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 12:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:43:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 12:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 12:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 12:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_124501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:45:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 16:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:47:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 12:50:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 12:50:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_125001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_125001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:50:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 16:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:52:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 12:55:01 File order-status_09_08_24_125501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 12:55:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 16:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:57:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 13:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 13:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_130001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 13:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 17:02:01 Order JC11931561 created (Order ID 47306) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:02:21 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 13:05:01 File order-status_09_08_24_130501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:05:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_09_08_24_130101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:06:37 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 17:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:07:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 13:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 13:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 13:10:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_131001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_131001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_131001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 17:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 13:12:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_131201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:12:04 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:12:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 13:13:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_131301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:13:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 13:14:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_131401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:14:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 13:15:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 13:15:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_131501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_131501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:15:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 13:16:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_131601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 17:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 13:17:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_131701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:17:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:17:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 13:18:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_131801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:18:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 13:19:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_131901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:19:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 13:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 13:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 13:20:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_132001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_132001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_132001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 13:21:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_132101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 17:22:02 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 13:22:02 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_132202.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:22:04 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:22:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 13:23:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_132301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:23:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 13:24:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_132401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 13:25:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 13:25:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_132501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_132501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:25:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 13:26:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_132601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:26:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 13:27:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 17:27:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_132701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:27:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 13:28:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_132801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:28:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 13:29:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_132901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 13:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 13:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 13:30:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_133001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_133001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_133001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:30:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 13:31:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_133101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 13:32:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 17:32:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_133201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:32:03 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11931571 created (Order ID 47307) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:32:17 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 13:33:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_133301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 13:34:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_133401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:34:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 13:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 13:35:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_133501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_133501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:35:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 13:36:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_133601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 17:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:37:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 13:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 13:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 13:40:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_134001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-categories-delta_09_08_24_134001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_134001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:40:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 13:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 17:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 13:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:42:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 13:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 13:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:44:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 13:45:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 13:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:45:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_134501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:45:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 17:47:01 Order JC11931461 created (Order ID 47308) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:47:14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 13:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 13:50:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_135001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_135001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:50:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 17:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:52:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 13:55:01 File order-status_09_08_24_135501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 13:55:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 17:57:01 Order JC11931471 created (Order ID 47309) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:57:15 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 14:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 14:00:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_140001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_140001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 14:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 18:02:01 Order JC11931581 created (Order ID 47310) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:02:21 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 14:05:01 File order-status_09_08_24_140501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:05:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 18:07:01 Order JC11931591 created (Order ID 47311) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:07:17 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 14:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 14:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 14:10:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_141001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_141001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:10:05 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_141001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:10:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 18:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 14:12:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_141201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:12:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:12:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 14:13:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_141301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:13:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 14:14:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_141401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 14:15:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 14:15:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_141501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_141501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:15:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 14:16:02 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_141602.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:16:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 18:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 14:17:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_141701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:17:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:17:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 14:18:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_141801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 14:19:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_141901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 14:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 14:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 14:20:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_142001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_142001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_142001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:20:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 14:21:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_142101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:21:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 18:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 14:22:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_142201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:22:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:22:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 14:23:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_142301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 14:24:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_142401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:24:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 14:25:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 14:25:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_142501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_142501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:25:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 14:26:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_142601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 18:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 14:27:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_142701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:27:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 14:28:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_142801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:28:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 14:29:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_142901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 14:30:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 14:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 14:30:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_143001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_143001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_143001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:30:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 14:31:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_143101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 18:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 14:32:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_143201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11931601 created (Order ID 47312) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:32:14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 14:33:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_143301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 14:34:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_143401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:34:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 14:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 14:35:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_143501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_143501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:35:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 14:36:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_143601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 18:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:37:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 14:40:01 Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 14:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 14:40:01 File catalog-categories-delta_09_08_24_144001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_144001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_144001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 14:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 18:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 14:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:42:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 14:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:43:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 14:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 14:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 14:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_144501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:45:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 18:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:47:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 14:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 14:50:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_145001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 18:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:52:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 14:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 14:55:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 18:57:01 Order JC11932511 created (Order ID 47313) Order JC11931621 created (Order ID 47314) Order JC11931611 created (Order ID 47315) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:57:27 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 15:00:02 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 15:00:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_150002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 15:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 19:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:02:08 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_09_08_24_150101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:04:41 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 15:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:05:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 19:07:01 Order JC11931631 created (Order ID 47316) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:07:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 15:10:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 15:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 15:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_151001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_151001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 19:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 15:12:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_151201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11932531 created (Order ID 47317) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:12:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 15:13:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_151301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:13:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 15:14:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_151401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:14:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 15:15:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 15:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_151501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 15:16:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_151601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:16:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 15:17:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 19:17:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_151701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:17:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:17:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 15:18:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_151801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 15:19:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_151901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:19:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 15:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 15:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 15:20:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_152001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_152001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_152001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 15:21:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_152101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 19:22:02 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 15:22:02 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_152202.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:22:03 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11932541 created (Order ID 47318) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:22:14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 15:23:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_152301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 15:24:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_152401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 15:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 15:25:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_152501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_152501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:25:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 15:26:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_152601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 19:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 15:27:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_152701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:27:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 15:28:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_152801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:28:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 15:29:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_152901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 15:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 15:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 15:30:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_153001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_153001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_153001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:30:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 15:31:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_153101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 19:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 15:32:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_153201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:32:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 15:33:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_153301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 15:34:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_153401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:34:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 15:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 15:35:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_09_08_24_153501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_153501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:35:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 15:36:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_09_08_24_153601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 19:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:37:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 15:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 15:40:01 Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 15:40:01 File catalog-categories-delta_09_08_24_154001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_154001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_154001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:40:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 15:41:01 File catalog-categories-delete_09_08_24_154101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:41:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 15:42:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 19:42:01 Order JC11931641 created (Order ID 47319) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:42:14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 15:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 15:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:44:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 15:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 15:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_154501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:45:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 19:47:01 Order JC11931651 created (Order ID 47320) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:47:11 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 15:50:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 15:50:01 File order-status_09_08_24_155001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:50:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_155001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:50:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 19:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:52:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 15:55:01 File order-status_09_08_24_155501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 15:55:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 19:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:57:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 16:00:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 16:00:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_160001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_160001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 16:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 20:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:02:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 16:05:01 File order-status_09_08_24_160501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:05:05 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_09_08_24_160101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:05:15 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 20:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:07:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 16:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 16:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 16:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_161001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_161001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:10:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 20:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 16:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:12:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 16:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 16:14:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:14:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 16:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 16:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_161501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:15:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 16:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 20:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 16:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11931671 created (Order ID 47321) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:17:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 16:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 16:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 16:20:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 16:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 16:20:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_162001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_162001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 16:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 20:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 16:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:22:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 16:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 16:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 16:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 16:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_162501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:25:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 16:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 16:27:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 20:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:27:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 16:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 16:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 16:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 16:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 16:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_163001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 16:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 16:32:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 20:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:32:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 16:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 16:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 16:35:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 16:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 16:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 20:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:37:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 16:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 16:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 16:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_164001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 16:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 20:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 16:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:42:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 16:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 16:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 16:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 16:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_164501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:45:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 20:47:01 Order JC11932581 created (Order ID 47322) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:47:16 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 16:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 16:50:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_165001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:50:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_165001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:50:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 20:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:52:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 16:55:01 File order-status_09_08_24_165501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 16:55:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 20:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:57:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 17:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 17:00:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_170001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_170001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:00:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 17:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 21:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:02:08 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_09_08_24_170101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:03:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 17:05:01 File order-status_09_08_24_170501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:05:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 21:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:07:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 17:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 17:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 17:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_171001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_171001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 21:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 17:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:12:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 17:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 17:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:14:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 17:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 17:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_171501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 17:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 21:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 17:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:17:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 17:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 17:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 17:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 17:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 17:20:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_172001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_172001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 17:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:21:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 21:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 17:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:22:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 17:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 17:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 17:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 17:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_172501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:25:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 17:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 17:27:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 21:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:27:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 17:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 17:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 17:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 17:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 17:30:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_173001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_173001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:30:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 17:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 21:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 17:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:32:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 17:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 17:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 17:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 17:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_173501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 17:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 21:37:01 Order JC11932591 created (Order ID 47323) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:37:16 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 17:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 17:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 17:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_174001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_174001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 17:41:02 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 17:42:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 21:42:01 Order JC11932611 created (Order ID 47324) Order JC11932601 created (Order ID 47325) Order JC11932621 created (Order ID 47326) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:42:26 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 17:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 17:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 17:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 17:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:45:01 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_174501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 21:47:01 Order JC11932641 created (Order ID 47327) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:47:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 17:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 17:50:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_175001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_175001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 21:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:52:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 17:55:01 File order-status_09_08_24_175501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 17:55:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 21:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:57:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 18:00:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 18:00:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_180001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_180001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:00:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 18:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 22:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:02:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 18:05:01 File order-status_09_08_24_180501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:05:05 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_09_08_24_180101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:05:53 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 22:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:07:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 18:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 18:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 18:10:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_181001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_181001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:10:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 18:12:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 22:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:12:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 18:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 18:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:14:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 18:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 18:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_181501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:15:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 18:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 18:17:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 22:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:17:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 18:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 18:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 18:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 18:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 18:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_182001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_09_08_24_182001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:20:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 18:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 22:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 18:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11931691 created (Order ID 47328) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:22:17 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 18:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 18:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 18:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 18:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 18:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 22:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 18:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:27:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 18:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 18:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:29:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 18:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 18:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 18:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:30:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_183001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 18:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 22:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 18:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:32:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 18:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 18:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 18:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 18:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 18:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 22:37:01 Order JC11932681 created (Order ID 47329) Order JC11932671 created (Order ID 47330) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:37:25 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 18:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 18:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 18:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_184001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 18:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 22:42:02 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 18:42:02 Order JC11932691 created (Order ID 47331) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:42:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 18:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 18:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 18:45:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 18:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 22:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:47:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 18:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 18:50:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_185001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 22:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:52:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 18:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 18:55:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 22:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:57:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 19:00:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 19:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_190001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 19:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 23:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:02:08 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_09_08_24_190101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:04:20 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 19:05:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:05:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 23:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:07:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 19:10:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 19:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 19:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:10:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_191001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:10:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 23:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 19:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11931711 created (Order ID 47332) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:12:37 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 19:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 19:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 19:15:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 19:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 19:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 19:17:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 23:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:17:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 19:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 19:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 19:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 19:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 19:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_192001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 19:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 19:22:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 23:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11932711 created (Order ID 47333) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:22:18 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 19:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 19:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 19:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 19:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 19:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:26:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 23:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 19:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:27:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 19:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 19:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 19:30:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 19:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 19:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_193001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 19:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 23:32:02 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 19:32:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:32:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:32:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 19:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 19:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 19:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 19:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 19:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:36:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 23:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:37:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 19:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 19:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 19:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_194001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 19:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 23:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 19:42:01 Order JC11931751 created (Order ID 47334) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:42:21 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 19:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 19:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 19:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 19:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 23:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:47:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 19:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 19:50:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_195001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 23:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:52:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 19:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 19:55:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-08-09 23:57:01 Order JC11931761 created (Order ID 47335) Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:57:18 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 20:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 20:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_200001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 20:01:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:01:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 20:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:05:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 20:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 20:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 20:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_201001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 20:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:12:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 20:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:13:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 20:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 20:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 20:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 20:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 20:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:17:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 20:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 20:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 20:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 20:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 20:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:20:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_202001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 20:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 20:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 20:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 20:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 20:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 20:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 20:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 20:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 20:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 20:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 20:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 20:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 20:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:30:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 20:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:31:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 20:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 20:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 20:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 20:35:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 20:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 20:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:36:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 20:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 20:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 20:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 20:41:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 20:42:01 Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 20:43:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 20:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 20:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 20:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 20:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 20:50:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_205001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 20:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 20:55:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 21:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 21:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_210001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 21:01:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:01:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 21:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:05:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 21:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 21:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 21:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:10:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_211001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 21:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 21:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 21:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 21:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 21:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 21:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 21:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 21:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 21:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 21:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 21:20:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 21:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_212001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 21:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 21:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 21:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 21:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 21:25:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 21:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 21:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 21:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 21:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 21:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 21:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 21:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 21:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_213001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 21:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 21:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 21:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:33:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 21:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 21:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 21:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 21:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 21:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 21:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 21:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_214001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 21:41:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 21:42:01 Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 21:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 21:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 21:45:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 21:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 21:50:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 21:50:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:50:01 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_215001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 21:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 21:55:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 22:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 22:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_220001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 22:01:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:01:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 22:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:05:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 22:10:02 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 22:10:02 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 22:10:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_221002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 22:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 22:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 22:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 22:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 22:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 22:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 22:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 22:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 22:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 22:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 22:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 22:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:20:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_222001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 22:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 22:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 22:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 22:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 22:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 22:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 22:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 22:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 22:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 22:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:29:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 22:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 22:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 22:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:30:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_223001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 22:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 22:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 22:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 22:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 22:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 22:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 22:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:36:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 22:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 22:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 22:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_224001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 22:41:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 22:42:01 Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 22:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 22:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 22:45:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 22:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 22:50:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 22:50:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:50:01 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_225001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 22:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 22:55:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 23:00:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 23:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_230001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-08-09 23:01:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:01:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 23:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:05:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-08-09 23:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 23:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 23:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:10:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_231001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 23:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-08-09 23:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 23:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-08-09 23:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 23:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 23:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-08-09 23:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 23:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-08-09 23:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 23:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 23:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 23:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_232001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-08-09 23:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 23:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-08-09 23:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 23:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-08-09 23:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 23:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 23:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-08-09 23:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 23:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-08-09 23:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 23:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 23:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 23:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_233001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-08-09 23:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 23:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-08-09 23:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 23:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 23:35:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-08-09 23:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-08-09 23:36:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:36:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 23:40:01 Starting export site category delta process at 2024-08-09 23:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 23:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-08-09 23:41:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-08-09 23:42:01 Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-08-09 23:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-08-09 23:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delete process at 2024-08-09 23:45:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 23:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:45:01 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 23:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-08-09 23:50:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_09_08_24_235001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-08-09 23:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-08-09 23:55:01 ------------------------------------------------