Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 00:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:02:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 00:07:01 Order JC11980371 created (Order ID 51171) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:07:14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 00:12:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:12:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 00:17:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:17:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 00:22:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:22:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 00:27:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:27:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 00:32:01 Order JC11980791 created (Order ID 51172) Order JC11980381 created (Order ID 51173) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:32:49 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 00:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:37:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 00:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:42:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 00:47:01 Order JC11980801 created (Order ID 51174) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:47:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 00:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:52:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 00:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:57:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 01:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:02:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 01:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:07:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 01:12:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:12:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 01:17:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:17:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 01:22:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:22:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 01:27:01 Order JC11980621 created (Order ID 51176) Order JC11980711 created (Order ID 51177) Order JC11980401 created (Order ID 51178) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:27:24 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 01:32:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:32:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 01:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:37:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 01:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:42:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 01:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:47:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 01:52:01 Order JC11980411 created (Order ID 51179) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:52:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 01:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:57:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 02:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:02:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 02:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:07:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 02:12:01 Order JC11980351 created (Order ID 51180) Order JC11980251 created (Order ID 51181) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:12:27 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 02:17:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:17:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 02:22:01 Order JC11980841 created (Order ID 51182) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:22:15 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 02:27:02 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:27:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 02:32:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:32:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 02:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:37:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 02:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:42:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 02:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:47:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 02:52:01 Order JC11980861 created (Order ID 51183) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:52:20 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 02:57:01 Order JC11980431 created (Order ID 51184) Order JC11980871 created (Order ID 51185) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:57:19 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 03:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:02:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 03:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:07:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 03:12:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:12:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 03:17:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:17:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 03:22:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:22:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 03:27:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:27:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 03:32:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:32:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 03:37:01 Order JC11980881 created (Order ID 51186) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:37:14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 03:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:42:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 03:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:47:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 03:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:52:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 03:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:57:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 00:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 00:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_000001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 00:01:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:01:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 04:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:02:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 00:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:05:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 04:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:07:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 00:10:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 00:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 00:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:10:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_001001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 04:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 00:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:12:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 00:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 00:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 00:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 00:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 00:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 04:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 00:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:17:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:17:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 00:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 00:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 00:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 00:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 00:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:20:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_002001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 00:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:21:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 04:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 00:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:22:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 00:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 00:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 00:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 00:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 00:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 04:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 00:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:27:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 00:28:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:28:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 00:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 00:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 00:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 00:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:30:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_003001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 00:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:31:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 00:32:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 04:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:32:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 00:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 00:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:34:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 00:35:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 00:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 00:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 04:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:37:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 00:40:01 Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 00:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 00:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_004001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 00:41:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 00:42:02 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 04:42:02 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:42:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 00:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:43:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 00:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 00:45:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 00:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 04:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:47:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 00:50:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 00:50:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_005001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 04:52:02 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:52:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 00:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 00:55:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 04:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:57:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 01:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 01:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_010001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:00:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 01:01:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:01:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 05:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:02:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 01:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:05:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 05:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:07:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 01:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 01:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 01:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_011001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 05:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 01:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11980921 created (Order ID 51187) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:12:16 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 01:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 01:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 01:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 01:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 01:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:16:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 05:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 01:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:17:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 01:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 01:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 01:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 01:20:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 01:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:20:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_012001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 01:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 01:22:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 05:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:22:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 01:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 01:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 01:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 01:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 01:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 05:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 01:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:27:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 01:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 01:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:29:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 01:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 01:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 01:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:30:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_013001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 01:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 05:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 01:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:32:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 01:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 01:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 01:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 01:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 01:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 05:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:37:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 01:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 01:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 01:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_014001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 01:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 05:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 01:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:42:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 01:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:43:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 01:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 01:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 01:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 05:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:47:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 01:50:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 01:50:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_015001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 05:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:52:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 01:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 01:55:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 05:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:57:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 02:00:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 02:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_020001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 02:01:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:01:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 06:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:02:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 02:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:05:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 06:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:07:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 02:10:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 02:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 02:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:10:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_021001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 06:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 02:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:12:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 02:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 02:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 02:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 02:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 02:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 06:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 02:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11980471 created (Order ID 51188) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:17:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 02:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 02:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 02:20:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 02:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 02:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_022001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 02:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 06:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 02:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:22:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 02:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 02:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 02:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 02:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 02:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 06:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 02:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:27:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 02:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 02:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 02:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 02:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 02:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:30:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_023001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 02:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:31:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 06:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 02:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:32:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 02:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 02:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 02:35:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 02:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 02:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 06:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:37:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 02:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 02:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 02:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_024001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 02:41:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 02:42:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 06:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:42:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 02:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 02:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:44:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 02:45:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 02:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:45:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 06:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:47:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 02:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 02:50:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_025001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 06:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:52:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 02:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 02:55:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 06:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:57:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 03:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 03:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_030001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 03:01:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:01:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 07:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:02:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 03:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:05:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 07:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:07:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 03:10:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 03:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 03:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:10:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_031001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 03:12:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 07:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:12:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 03:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 03:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 03:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 03:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 03:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 07:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 03:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:17:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 03:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 03:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 03:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 03:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 03:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_032001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 03:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:21:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 07:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 03:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:22:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 03:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 03:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 03:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 03:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 03:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 03:27:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 07:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:27:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 03:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 03:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:29:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 03:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 03:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 03:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:30:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_033001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 03:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 07:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 03:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:32:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 03:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 03:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 03:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 03:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 03:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 07:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:37:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 03:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 03:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 03:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_034001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 03:41:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 03:42:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 07:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:42:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 03:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:43:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 03:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 03:45:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 03:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 07:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:47:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 03:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 03:50:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_035001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 07:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:52:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 03:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 03:55:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 07:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:57:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 04:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 04:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_040001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:00:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 04:01:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:01:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 08:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:02:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 04:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:05:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 08:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:07:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 04:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 04:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 04:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_041001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 08:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 04:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:12:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 04:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 04:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:14:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 04:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 04:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 04:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 04:17:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 08:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:17:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 04:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 04:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 04:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 04:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 04:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_042001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 04:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:21:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 08:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 04:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:22:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 04:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 04:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 04:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 04:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 04:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 08:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 04:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:27:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 04:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 04:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 04:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 04:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 04:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_043001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 04:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 08:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 04:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:32:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 04:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 04:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 04:35:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 04:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 04:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 08:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:37:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 04:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 04:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 04:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_044001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 04:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 08:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 04:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:42:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 04:43:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 04:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 04:45:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 04:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 08:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:47:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 04:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 04:50:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_045001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 08:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:52:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 04:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 04:55:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 08:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:57:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 05:00:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 05:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_050001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 05:01:01 File catalog-products-delta_16_09_24_050101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:01:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 09:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:02:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 05:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:05:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 09:07:01 Order JC11980311 created (Order ID 51192) Order JC11980481 created (Order ID 51193) Order JC11980671 created (Order ID 51194) Order JC11980141 created (Order ID 51195) Order JC11980421 created (Order ID 51196) Order JC11980851 created (Order ID 51197) Order JC11980731 created (Order ID 51198) Order JC11980491 created (Order ID 51199) Order JC11980201 created (Order ID 51200) Order JC11980911 created (Order ID 51201) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:08:14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 05:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 05:10:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 05:10:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_051001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_051001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_051001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 09:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 05:12:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_051201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:12:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 05:13:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_051301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 05:14:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_051401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:14:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 05:15:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 05:15:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_051501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_051501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:15:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 05:16:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_051601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:16:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 09:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 05:17:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_051701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:17:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 05:18:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_051801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 05:19:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_051901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 05:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 05:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 05:20:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_052001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_052001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_052001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:20:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 05:21:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_052101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 09:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 05:22:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_052201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:22:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:22:11 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 05:23:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_052301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:23:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 05:24:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_052401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:24:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 05:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 05:25:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_052501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_052501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:25:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 05:26:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_052601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 09:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 05:27:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_052701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:27:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 05:28:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_052801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:28:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 05:29:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_052901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 05:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 05:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 05:30:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_053001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_053001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:30:05 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_053001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:30:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 05:31:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_053101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 09:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 05:32:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_053201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:32:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 05:33:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_053301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:33:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 05:34:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_053401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 05:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 05:35:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_053501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_053501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:35:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 05:36:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_053601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 09:37:01 Order JC11980501 created (Order ID 51202) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:37:24 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 05:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 05:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 05:40:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_054001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-categories-delta_16_09_24_054001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_054001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 05:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 09:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 05:42:01 Order JC11981511 created (Order ID 51203) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:42:17 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 05:43:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:43:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 05:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:44:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 05:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 05:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_054501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:45:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 09:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:47:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 05:50:02 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 05:50:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_055002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 09:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:52:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 05:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 05:55:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 09:57:01 Order JC11980931 created (Order ID 51204) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:57:16 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 06:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 06:00:01 File order-status_16_09_24_060001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_060001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:00:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 06:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 10:02:01 Order JC11980941 created (Order ID 51205) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:02:16 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 06:05:01 File order-status_16_09_24_060501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:05:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_16_09_24_060101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:06:42 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 10:07:01 Order JC11981521 created (Order ID 51206) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:07:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 06:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 06:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 06:10:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_061001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 10:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 06:12:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_061201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:12:05 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:12:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 06:13:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_061301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 06:14:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_061401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 06:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 06:15:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_061501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:15:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_061501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:15:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 06:16:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_061601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:16:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 10:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 06:17:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_061701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981531 created (Order ID 51207) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:17:14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 06:18:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_061801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:18:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 06:19:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_061901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:19:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 06:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 06:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 06:20:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_062001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_062001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_062001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 06:21:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_062101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 10:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 06:22:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_062201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981541 created (Order ID 51208) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:22:10 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 06:23:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_062301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 06:24:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_062401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:24:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 06:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 06:25:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_062501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_062501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:25:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 06:26:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_062601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 10:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 06:27:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_062701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:27:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 06:28:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_062801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 06:29:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_062901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 06:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 06:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 06:30:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_063001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_063001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_063001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:30:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 06:31:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_063101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 10:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 06:32:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_063201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:32:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:32:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 06:33:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_063301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 06:34:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_063401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 06:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 06:35:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_063501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_063501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:35:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 06:36:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_063601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:36:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 10:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:37:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 06:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 06:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 06:40:01 File catalog-categories-delta_16_09_24_064001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_064001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_064001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:40:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 06:41:01 File catalog-categories-delete_16_09_24_064101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:41:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 10:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 06:42:01 Order JC11980951 created (Order ID 51209) Order JC11981551 created (Order ID 51210) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:42:25 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 06:43:01 File catalog-price-delete_16_09_24_064301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:43:10 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 06:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 06:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 06:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_064501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:45:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 10:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:47:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 06:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 06:50:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_065001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_065001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:50:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 10:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:52:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 06:55:01 File order-status_16_09_24_065501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 06:55:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 10:57:01 Order JC11981561 created (Order ID 51211) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:57:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 07:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 07:00:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_070001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_070001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:00:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 07:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 11:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:02:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 07:05:01 File order-status_16_09_24_070501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:05:10 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 11:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:07:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 07:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 07:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 07:10:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_071001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_071001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:10:06 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_071001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:10:12 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_16_09_24_070101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:10:32 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 11:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 07:12:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_071201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:12:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 07:13:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_071301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 07:14:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_071401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 07:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 07:15:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_071501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_071501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:15:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 07:16:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_071601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:16:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 11:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 07:17:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_071701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:17:03 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981571 created (Order ID 51212) Order JC11980961 created (Order ID 51213) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:17:29 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 07:18:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_071801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:18:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 07:19:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_071901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:19:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 07:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 07:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 07:20:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_072001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_072001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_072001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:20:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 07:21:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_072101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:21:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 11:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 07:22:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_072201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:22:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:22:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 07:23:02 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_072302.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:23:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 07:24:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_072401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:24:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 07:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 07:25:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_072501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_072501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:25:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 07:26:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_072601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:26:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 07:27:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 11:27:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_072701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981581 created (Order ID 51215) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:27:15 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 07:28:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_072801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:28:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 07:29:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_072901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:29:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 07:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 07:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 07:30:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_073001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_073001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_073001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 07:31:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_073101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 11:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 07:32:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_073201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:32:03 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981591 created (Order ID 51217) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:32:23 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 07:33:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_073301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 07:34:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_073401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:34:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 07:35:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 07:35:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_073501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_073501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:35:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 07:36:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_073601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 11:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:37:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 07:40:02 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 07:40:02 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 07:40:02 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_074002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-categories-delta_16_09_24_074002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_074002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:40:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 07:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 11:42:02 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 07:42:02 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:42:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 07:43:01 File catalog-price-delete_16_09_24_074301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:43:16 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 07:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 07:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 07:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_074501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:45:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 11:47:01 Order JC11980971 created (Order ID 51218) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:47:15 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 07:49:06 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_074906.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:49:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 07:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 07:50:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_075001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_075001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:50:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 11:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:52:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 07:55:01 File order-status_16_09_24_075501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 07:55:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 11:57:01 Order JC11981611 created (Order ID 51219) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:57:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 08:00:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 08:00:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_080001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_080001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:00:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 08:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 12:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:02:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 08:05:01 File order-status_16_09_24_080501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:05:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 12:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:07:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 08:07:24 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_080724.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:07:27 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 08:07:36 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_080736.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:07:38 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 08:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 08:10:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 08:10:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_081001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_081001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:10:05 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_081001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:10:07 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_16_09_24_080101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:11:20 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 08:12:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 12:12:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_081201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:12:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 08:13:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_081301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 08:14:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_081401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:14:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 08:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 08:15:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_081501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_081501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:15:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 08:16:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_081601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:16:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 12:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 08:17:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_081701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11980981 created (Order ID 51220) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:17:14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 08:18:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_081801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 08:19:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_081901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 08:20:02 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 08:20:02 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 08:20:02 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_082002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_082002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_082002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:20:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 08:21:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_082101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 12:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 08:22:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_082201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:22:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:22:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 08:23:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_082301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:23:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 08:24:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_082401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 08:25:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 08:25:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_082501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_082501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:25:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 08:26:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_082601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 12:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 08:27:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_082701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:27:03 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11980991 created (Order ID 51221) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:27:17 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 08:28:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_082801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:28:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 08:29:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_082901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 08:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 08:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 08:30:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_083001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_083001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_083001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:30:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 08:31:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_083101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 12:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 08:32:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_083201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:32:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 08:33:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_083301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 08:34:02 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_083402.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:34:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 08:35:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 08:35:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_083501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_083501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:35:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 08:36:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_083601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:36:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 12:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:37:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 08:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 08:40:01 Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 08:40:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_084001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-categories-delta_16_09_24_084001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_084001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:40:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 08:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 12:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 08:42:01 Order JC11981621 created (Order ID 51222) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:42:18 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 08:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 08:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:44:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 08:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 08:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:45:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_084501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:45:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 12:47:01 Order JC11981001 created (Order ID 51223) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:47:16 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 08:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 08:50:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_085001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_085001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:50:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 12:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:52:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 08:55:01 File order-status_16_09_24_085501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 08:55:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 12:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:57:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 09:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 09:00:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_090001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_090001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:00:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 09:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 13:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:02:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 09:05:01 File order-status_16_09_24_090501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:05:05 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_16_09_24_090101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:05:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 13:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:07:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 09:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 09:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 09:10:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_091001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_091001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_091001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 13:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 09:12:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_091201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:12:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:12:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 09:13:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_091301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 09:14:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_091401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 09:15:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 09:15:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_091501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_091501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:15:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 09:16:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_091601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 13:17:02 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 09:17:02 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_091702.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:17:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:17:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 09:18:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_091801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:18:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 09:19:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_091901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 09:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 09:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 09:20:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_092001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_092001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_092001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:20:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 09:21:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_092101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 13:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 09:22:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_092201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:22:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:22:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 09:23:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_092301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:23:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 09:24:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_092401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:24:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 09:25:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 09:25:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_092501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_092501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:25:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 09:26:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_092601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 13:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 09:27:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_092701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:27:03 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981651 created (Order ID 51225) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:27:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 09:28:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_092801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:28:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 09:29:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_092901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:29:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 09:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 09:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 09:30:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_093001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_093001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_093001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:30:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 09:31:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_093101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 09:32:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 13:32:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_093201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:32:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:32:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 09:33:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_093301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:33:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 09:34:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_093401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 09:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 09:35:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_093501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_093501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:35:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 09:36:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_093601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 13:37:01 Order JC11981661 created (Order ID 51226) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:37:17 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 09:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 09:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 09:40:01 File catalog-categories-delta_16_09_24_094001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_094001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_094001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:40:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 09:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 13:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 09:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:42:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 09:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 09:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 09:45:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 09:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_094501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:45:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 13:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:47:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 09:50:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 09:50:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_095001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:50:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_095001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:50:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 13:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:52:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 09:55:01 File order-status_16_09_24_095501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 09:55:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 13:57:01 Order JC11981671 created (Order ID 51227) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:57:27 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 10:00:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 10:00:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_100001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:00:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_100001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:00:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 10:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 14:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:02:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 10:05:01 File order-status_16_09_24_100501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:05:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 14:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:07:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 10:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 10:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 10:10:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_101001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_101001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:10:05 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_101001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:10:05 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_16_09_24_100101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:10:54 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 10:12:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 14:12:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_101201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981681 created (Order ID 51228) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:12:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 10:13:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_101301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 10:14:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_101401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 10:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 10:15:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_101501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_101501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:15:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 10:16:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_101601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:16:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 14:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 10:17:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_101701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981011 created (Order ID 51229) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:17:15 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 10:18:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_101801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 10:19:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_101901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 10:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 10:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 10:20:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_102001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_102001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_102001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:20:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 10:21:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_102101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 14:22:02 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 10:22:02 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_102202.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:22:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:22:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 10:23:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_102301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 10:24:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_102401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:24:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 10:25:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 10:25:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_102501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_102501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:25:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 10:26:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_102601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 10:27:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 14:27:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_102701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:27:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:27:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 10:28:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_102801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 10:29:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_102901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:29:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 10:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 10:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 10:30:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_103001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_103001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_103001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:30:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 10:31:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_103101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:31:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 14:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 10:32:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_103201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:32:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 10:33:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_103301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 10:34:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_103401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:34:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 10:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 10:35:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_103501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_103501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:35:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 10:36:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_103601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 14:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:37:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 10:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 10:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 10:40:01 File catalog-categories-delta_16_09_24_104001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_104001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_104001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:40:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 10:41:01 File catalog-categories-delete_16_09_24_104101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:41:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 10:42:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 14:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:42:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 10:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:43:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 10:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 10:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 10:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:45:21 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_104501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:45:26 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 14:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:47:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 10:50:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 10:50:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_105001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_105001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:50:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 14:52:01 Order JC11981031 created (Order ID 51230) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:52:11 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 10:55:01 File order-status_16_09_24_105501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 10:55:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 14:57:01 Order JC11981691 created (Order ID 51231) Order JC11970791 created (Order ID 51232) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:57:21 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 11:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 11:00:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_110001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_110001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:00:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 11:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 15:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:02:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 11:05:01 File order-status_16_09_24_110501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:05:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 15:07:01 Order JC11981701 created (Order ID 51233) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:07:19 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 11:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 11:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 11:10:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_111001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_111001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:10:05 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_111001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:10:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 15:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 11:12:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_111201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:12:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:12:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 11:13:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_111301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:13:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 11:14:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_111401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:14:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 11:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 11:15:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_111501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:15:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_111501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:15:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 11:16:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_111601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:16:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 15:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 11:17:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_111701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:17:03 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981721 created (Order ID 51234) Order JC11981041 created (Order ID 51235) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:17:28 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_16_09_24_110101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:17:30 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 11:18:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_111801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:18:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 11:19:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_111901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 11:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 11:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 11:20:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_112001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_112001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_112001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 11:21:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_112101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:21:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 15:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 11:22:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_112201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:22:03 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981711 created (Order ID 51237) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:22:10 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 11:23:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_112301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 11:24:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_112401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 11:25:02 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 11:25:02 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_112502.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:25:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_112502.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:25:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 11:26:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_112601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 15:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 11:27:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_112701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:27:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:27:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 11:28:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_112801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 11:29:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_112901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 11:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 11:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 11:30:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_113001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_113001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_113001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:30:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 11:31:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_113101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:31:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 15:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 11:32:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_113201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:32:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 11:33:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_113301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:33:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 11:34:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_113401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 11:35:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 11:35:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_113501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_113501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:35:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 11:36:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_113601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:36:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 15:37:01 Order JC11981751 created (Order ID 51238) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:37:11 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 11:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 11:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 11:40:01 File catalog-categories-delta_16_09_24_114001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_114001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_114001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:40:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 11:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 15:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 11:42:01 Order JC11981771 created (Order ID 51239) Order JC11981761 created (Order ID 51240) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:42:44 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 11:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 11:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:44:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 11:45:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 11:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:45:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_114501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:45:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 15:47:01 Order JC11981791 created (Order ID 51241) Order JC11981781 created (Order ID 51242) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:47:24 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 11:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 11:50:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_115001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_115001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:50:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 15:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:52:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 11:55:01 File order-status_16_09_24_115501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 11:55:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 15:57:01 Order JC11981051 created (Order ID 51243) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:57:16 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 12:00:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 12:00:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_120001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_120001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:00:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 12:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 16:02:01 Order JC11981061 created (Order ID 51244) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:02:17 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 12:05:01 File order-status_16_09_24_120501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:05:08 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_16_09_24_120101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:06:32 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 16:07:01 Order JC11981811 created (Order ID 51245) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:07:15 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 12:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 12:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 12:10:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_121001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_121001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:10:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 12:12:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 16:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:12:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 12:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 12:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 12:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 12:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_121501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:15:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 12:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 16:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 12:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981821 created (Order ID 51246) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:17:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 12:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 12:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 12:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 12:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 12:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_122001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_122001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:20:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 12:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 16:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 12:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981081 created (Order ID 51247) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:22:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 12:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:23:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 12:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 12:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 12:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_122501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:25:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 12:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 16:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 12:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:27:03 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981841 created (Order ID 51248) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:27:16 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 12:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 12:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:29:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 12:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 12:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 12:30:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_123001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_123001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:30:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 12:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:31:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 16:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 12:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:32:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 12:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:33:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 12:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 12:35:02 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 12:35:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_123502.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:35:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 12:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 16:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:37:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 12:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 12:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 12:40:01 File catalog-categories-delta_16_09_24_124001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_124001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_124001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:40:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 12:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 16:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 12:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:42:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 12:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 12:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:44:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 12:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 12:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_124501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:45:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 16:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:47:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 12:50:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 12:50:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_125001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_125001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:50:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 16:52:01 Order JC11981091 created (Order ID 51249) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:52:11 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 12:55:01 File order-status_16_09_24_125501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 12:55:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 16:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:57:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 13:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 13:00:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_130001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_130001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:00:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 13:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 17:02:01 Order JC11981861 created (Order ID 51250) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:02:23 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 13:05:01 File order-status_16_09_24_130501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:05:05 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_16_09_24_130101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:05:44 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 17:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:07:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 13:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 13:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 13:10:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_131001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_131001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_131001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:10:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 13:12:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 17:12:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_131201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:12:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:12:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 13:13:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_131301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 13:14:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_131401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:14:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 13:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 13:15:01 File order-status_16_09_24_131501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_131501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 13:16:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_131601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:16:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 17:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 13:17:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_131701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:17:03 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981101 created (Order ID 51252) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:17:16 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 13:18:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_131801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 13:19:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_131901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:19:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 13:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 13:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 13:20:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_132001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_132001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_132001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:20:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 13:21:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_132101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 17:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 13:22:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_132201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:22:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 13:23:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_132301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:23:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 13:24:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_132401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 13:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 13:25:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_132501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_132501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:25:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 13:26:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_132601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:26:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 13:27:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 17:27:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_132701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981111 created (Order ID 51253) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:27:14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 13:28:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_132801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 13:29:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_132901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:29:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 13:30:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 13:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 13:30:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_133001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_133001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_133001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:30:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 13:31:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_133101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:31:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 17:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 13:32:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_133201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:32:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 13:33:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_133301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 13:34:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_133401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:34:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 13:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 13:35:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_133501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_133501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:35:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 13:36:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_133601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 17:37:01 Order JC11981871 created (Order ID 51254) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:37:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 13:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 13:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 13:40:01 File catalog-categories-delta_16_09_24_134001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_134001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_134001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:40:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 13:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 17:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 13:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:42:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 13:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 13:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:44:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 13:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 13:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_134501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:45:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 17:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:47:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 13:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 13:50:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_135001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:50:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_135001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:50:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 17:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:52:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 13:55:01 File order-status_16_09_24_135501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 13:55:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 17:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:57:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 14:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 14:00:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_140001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_140001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:00:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 14:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 18:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:02:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 14:05:01 File order-status_16_09_24_140501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:05:10 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 18:07:01 Order JC11981131 created (Order ID 51255) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:07:21 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 14:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 14:10:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 14:10:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_141001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_141001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:10:06 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_141001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:10:12 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_16_09_24_140101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:11:11 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 18:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 14:12:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_141201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:12:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 14:13:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_141301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:13:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 14:14:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_141401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 14:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 14:15:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_141501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_141501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:15:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 14:16:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_141601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:16:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 18:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 14:17:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_141701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:17:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:17:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 14:18:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_141801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:18:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 14:19:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_141901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 14:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 14:20:02 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 14:20:02 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_142001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_142002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_142002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:20:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 14:21:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_142101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 18:22:02 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 14:22:02 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_142202.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:22:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:22:09 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 14:23:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_142301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:23:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 14:24:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_142401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 14:25:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 14:25:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_142501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_142501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:25:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 14:26:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_142601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 18:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 14:27:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_142701.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:27:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:27:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 14:28:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_142801.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:28:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 14:29:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_142901.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:29:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 14:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 14:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 14:30:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_143001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_143001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_143001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 14:31:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_143101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:31:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 14:32:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 18:32:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_143201.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981881 created (Order ID 51256) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:32:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 14:33:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_143301.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:33:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 14:34:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_143401.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:34:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 14:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 14:35:01 File catalog-price-sale-delta_16_09_24_143501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_143501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:35:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 14:36:01 File catalog-price-list-delta_16_09_24_143601.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 18:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:37:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 14:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 14:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 14:40:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_144001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_144001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-categories-delta_16_09_24_144001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 14:41:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 14:42:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 18:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:42:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 14:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 14:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 14:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 14:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:45:01 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_144501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 18:47:01 Order JC11981141 created (Order ID 51257) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:47:14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 14:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 14:50:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_145001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 18:52:01 Order JC11981901 created (Order ID 51258) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:52:11 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 14:55:01 File order-status_16_09_24_145501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 14:55:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 18:57:01 Order JC11981911 created (Order ID 51259) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:57:14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 15:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 15:00:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_150001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_150001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 15:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 19:02:01 Order JC11981921 created (Order ID 51260) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:02:18 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_16_09_24_150101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:04:16 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 15:05:01 File order-status_16_09_24_150501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:05:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 19:07:01 Order JC11981931 created (Order ID 51261) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:07:15 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 15:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 15:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 15:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_151001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:10:05 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_151001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:10:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 15:12:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 19:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:12:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 15:13:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:13:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 15:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 15:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 15:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_151501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:15:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 15:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 15:17:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 19:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:17:03 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981151 created (Order ID 51262) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:17:15 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 15:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 15:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 15:20:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 15:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 15:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_152001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_152001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:20:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 15:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 19:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 15:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981941 created (Order ID 51263) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:22:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 15:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 15:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 15:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 15:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_152501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:25:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 15:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 19:27:02 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 15:27:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:27:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:27:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 15:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:28:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 15:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 15:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 15:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 15:30:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_153001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_153001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:30:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 15:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:31:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 19:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 15:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:32:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 15:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 15:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 15:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 15:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_153501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:35:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 15:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 19:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:37:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 15:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 15:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 15:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_154001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_154001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:40:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 15:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 19:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 15:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:42:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 15:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 15:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 15:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 15:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_154501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:45:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 19:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:47:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 15:50:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 15:50:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_155001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_155001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:50:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 19:52:01 Order JC11981951 created (Order ID 51265) Order JC11981161 created (Order ID 51266) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:52:19 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 15:55:01 File order-status_16_09_24_155501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 15:55:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 19:57:01 Order JC11981171 created (Order ID 51267) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:57:26 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 16:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 16:00:01 File order-status_16_09_24_160001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_160001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 16:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 20:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:02:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 16:05:01 File order-status_16_09_24_160501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:05:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_16_09_24_160101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:05:56 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 20:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:07:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 16:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 16:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 16:10:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_161001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_161001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:10:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 16:12:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 20:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:12:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 16:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 16:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 16:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 16:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_161501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 16:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 20:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 16:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:17:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:17:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 16:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 16:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:19:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 16:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 16:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 16:20:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_162001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:20:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_162001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 16:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:21:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 16:22:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 20:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:22:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 16:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 16:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 16:25:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 16:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_162501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:25:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 16:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 16:27:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 20:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:27:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 16:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 16:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 16:30:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 16:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 16:30:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_163001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_163001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:30:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 16:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 20:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 16:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981961 created (Order ID 51268) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:32:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 16:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 16:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:34:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 16:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 16:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_163501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:35:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 16:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 20:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:37:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 16:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 16:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 16:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_164001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_164001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:40:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 16:41:02 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 20:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 16:42:01 Order JC11981971 created (Order ID 51269) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:42:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 16:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 16:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 16:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 16:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_164501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:45:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 20:47:01 Order JC11981981 created (Order ID 51270) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:47:14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 16:50:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 16:50:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_165001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_165001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:50:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 20:52:01 Order JC11981201 created (Order ID 51271) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:52:11 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 16:55:01 File order-status_16_09_24_165501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 16:55:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 20:57:01 Order JC11981211 created (Order ID 51272) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:57:15 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 17:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 17:00:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_170001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_170001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:00:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 17:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 21:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:02:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 17:05:01 File order-status_16_09_24_170501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:05:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 21:07:01 Order JC11981221 created (Order ID 51273) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:07:19 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_16_09_24_170101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:07:33 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 17:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 17:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 17:10:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_171001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_171001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 17:12:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 21:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:12:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 17:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 17:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 17:15:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 17:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_171501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 17:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 17:17:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 21:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981991 created (Order ID 51275) Order JC11981241 created (Order ID 51276) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:17:21 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 17:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 17:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 17:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 17:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 17:20:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_172001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_172001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 17:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 21:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 17:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:22:03 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981251 created (Order ID 51277) Order JC11982001 created (Order ID 51278) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:22:21 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 17:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 17:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 17:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 17:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_172501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:25:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 17:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 21:27:02 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 17:27:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:27:03 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11982011 created (Order ID 51279) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:27:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 17:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 17:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 17:30:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 17:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 17:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_173001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_173001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:30:05 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 17:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 21:32:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 17:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11982021 created (Order ID 51280) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:32:12 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 17:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 17:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 17:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 17:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_173501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:35:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 17:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 21:37:01 Order JC11982031 created (Order ID 51281) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:37:28 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 17:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 17:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 17:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_174001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_174001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 17:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 21:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 17:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:42:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 17:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:43:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 17:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 17:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 17:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_174501.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:45:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 21:47:01 Order JC11981271 created (Order ID 51282) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:47:18 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 17:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 17:50:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_175001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File order-status_16_09_24_175001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 21:52:01 Order JC11982041 created (Order ID 51283) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:52:17 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 17:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 17:55:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 21:57:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:57:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 18:00:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 18:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_180001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 18:01:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 22:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:02:08 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-products-delta_16_09_24_180101.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:03:30 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 18:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:05:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 22:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:07:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 18:10:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 18:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 18:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_181001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 22:12:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 18:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11982051 created (Order ID 51285) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:12:13 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 18:13:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:13:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 18:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 18:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 18:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 18:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:16:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 22:17:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 18:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:17:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 18:18:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:18:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 18:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 18:20:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 18:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 18:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_182001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 18:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 22:22:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 18:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11982061 created (Order ID 51286) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:22:14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 18:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 18:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 18:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 18:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 18:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 22:27:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 18:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:27:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:27:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 18:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:28:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 18:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 18:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 18:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 18:30:01 File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_183001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:30:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:30:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 18:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:31:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 18:32:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 22:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11982071 created (Order ID 51288) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:32:19 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 18:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 18:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 18:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 18:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 18:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 22:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:37:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 18:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 18:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 18:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_184001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 18:41:02 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 18:42:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 22:42:01 Order JC11981291 created (Order ID 51290) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:42:14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 18:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:43:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 18:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 18:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 18:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 22:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:47:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 18:50:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 18:50:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_185001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 22:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:52:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 18:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 18:55:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 22:57:01 Order JC11981301 created (Order ID 51291) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:57:14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 19:00:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 19:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_190001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 19:01:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:01:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 23:02:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:02:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 19:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:05:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 23:07:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:07:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 19:10:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 19:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 19:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_191001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 19:12:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 23:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:12:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:12:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 19:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 19:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 19:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 19:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 19:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:16:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 19:17:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 23:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11981311 created (Order ID 51292) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:17:23 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 19:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 19:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 19:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 19:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 19:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_192001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 19:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 19:22:02 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 23:22:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:22:03 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:22:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 19:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 19:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:24:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 19:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 19:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:25:01 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 19:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 19:27:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 23:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:27:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 19:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 19:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 19:30:02 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 19:30:02 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 19:30:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_193002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 19:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 19:32:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 23:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Order JC11982091 created (Order ID 51293) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:32:14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 19:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 19:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 19:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 19:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:35:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 19:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 23:37:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:37:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 19:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 19:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 19:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_194001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 19:41:01 Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 23:42:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 19:42:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:42:08 ------------------------------------------------ Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 19:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 19:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 19:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 19:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:45:01 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 23:47:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:47:06 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 19:50:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 19:50:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_195001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 23:52:01 Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:52:07 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 19:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 19:55:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting order import process at 2024-09-16 23:57:01 Order JC11981321 created (Order ID 51294) Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:57:14 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 20:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 20:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_200001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 20:01:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:01:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 20:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:05:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 20:10:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 20:10:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:10:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 20:10:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_201002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 20:12:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:12:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 20:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 20:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 20:15:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 20:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 20:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 20:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 20:18:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:18:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 20:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 20:20:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 20:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 20:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:20:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_202001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:20:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 20:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 20:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 20:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 20:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 20:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 20:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 20:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 20:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 20:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 20:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:29:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 20:30:01 Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 20:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 20:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:30:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_203001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 20:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 20:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 20:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 20:34:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:34:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 20:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 20:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 20:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 20:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 20:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 20:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_204001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 20:41:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 20:42:01 Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 20:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 20:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:44:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 20:45:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 20:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 20:50:02 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 20:50:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_205002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 20:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 20:55:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 21:00:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 21:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:00:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_210001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 21:01:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:01:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 21:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:05:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 21:10:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 21:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 21:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_211001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:10:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 21:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 21:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 21:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:14:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 21:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 21:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 21:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 21:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 21:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 21:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 21:20:02 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 21:20:02 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 21:20:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_212002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 21:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 21:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 21:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 21:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:24:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 21:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 21:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:25:01 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 21:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 21:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 21:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 21:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:29:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 21:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 21:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 21:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:30:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_213001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 21:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 21:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 21:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 21:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:34:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 21:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 21:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 21:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 21:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 21:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 21:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_214001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 21:41:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 21:42:01 Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 21:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 21:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:44:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 21:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 21:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 21:50:02 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 21:50:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_215002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:50:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 21:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 21:55:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 22:00:02 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 22:00:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_220002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:00:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 22:01:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:01:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 22:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:05:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 22:10:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 22:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 22:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_221001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 22:12:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:12:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 22:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 22:14:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:14:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 22:15:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 22:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 22:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 22:17:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:17:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 22:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:18:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 22:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 22:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 22:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 22:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:20:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_222001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 22:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 22:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 22:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 22:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 22:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 22:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 22:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 22:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 22:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 22:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 22:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 22:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 22:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_223001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:30:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 22:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 22:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:32:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 22:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:33:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 22:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 22:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 22:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 22:36:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:36:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 22:40:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 22:40:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 22:40:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:40:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_224001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 22:41:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 22:42:01 Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 22:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:43:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 22:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:44:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 22:45:01 Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 22:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 22:50:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 22:50:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_225001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 22:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 22:55:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 23:00:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 23:00:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:00:01 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_230001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:00:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export product delta process at 2024-09-16 23:01:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:01:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 23:05:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:05:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 23:10:01 Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (USD) at 2024-09-16 23:10:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 23:10:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:10:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_231001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:10:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 23:12:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:12:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AED) at 2024-09-16 23:13:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:13:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 23:14:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:14:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (AUD) at 2024-09-16 23:15:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 23:15:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:15:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:15:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 23:16:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:16:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (BHD) at 2024-09-16 23:17:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:17:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 23:18:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:18:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (GBP) at 2024-09-16 23:19:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:19:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 23:20:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 23:20:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 23:20:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:20:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_232001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:20:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (KWD) at 2024-09-16 23:21:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:21:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 23:22:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:22:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (OMR) at 2024-09-16 23:23:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:23:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 23:24:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:24:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (QAR) at 2024-09-16 23:25:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 23:25:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:25:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:25:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 23:26:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:26:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (SAR) at 2024-09-16 23:27:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:27:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 23:28:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:28:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (CAD) at 2024-09-16 23:29:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:29:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 23:30:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 23:30:01 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 23:30:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:30:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_233001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:30:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:30:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (EUR) at 2024-09-16 23:31:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:31:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 23:32:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:32:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (JPY) at 2024-09-16 23:33:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:33:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 23:34:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:34:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export Sales Pricebook delta process (INR) at 2024-09-16 23:35:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 23:35:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:35:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export List Pricebook delta process at 2024-09-16 23:36:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:36:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delta process at 2024-09-16 23:40:02 Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 23:40:02 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 23:40:02 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:40:03 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_234002.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:40:04 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export site category delete delta process at 2024-09-16 23:41:01 Starting product delete delta process at 2024-09-16 23:42:01 Starting product price delete delta process at 2024-09-16 23:43:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:43:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delta process at 2024-09-16 23:44:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:44:01 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export category delete process at 2024-09-16 23:45:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 23:45:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:45:02 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export inventory delta process at 2024-09-16 23:50:01 Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 23:50:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:50:02 ------------------------------------------------ File catalog-inventory-delta_16_09_24_235001.xml transferred.. Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:50:03 ------------------------------------------------ Starting export order status process at 2024-09-16 23:55:01 No data to return. Exiting..! Transaction ended at 2024-09-16 23:55:01 ------------------------------------------------